January 3, 2012

Lessons of 2011

Everyone has a time for reflection. For some it’s a birthday (might be for me again this year as I leap into a whole new decade of life!), perhaps an anniversary of marriage or of coming to know Christ (your spiritual re-birthday). Personally, New Year’s has always been that time for me. Traditionally I’ve been engaged in some sort of Christmas “happenings” in a local church or other venue and the turn to a new year is a natural time stop, slow down and breathe, then look back at the last year - how it fits into the context of God’s calling, my obedience and actions – as well as look ahead and resubmit myself to being faithful to God’s purpose in my daily actions and leading my family to do the same.

This year as I look back at 2011 there are four major lessons that stand out.

1) Love without hesitation. It’s difficult to walk in obedience unless we first submit to the Holy Spirit and love with His Love.

2) Serve indiscriminately. It’s not up to us to decide where and when God needs us. If we truly desire to honor Him we’ll be ready to go when He says go.

3) Trust cautiously. There is no biblical mandate to trust anyone or thing but God Himself. The less we put our trust in people around us, the more we are free to love and serve them (see #1 & #2).

4) Follow slowly. To elevate another to the status of “leader” in our lives can set us up for success or just as easily keep us from accomplishing #1-3! Whether it’s a pastor, teacher, politician, boss or peer, we owe it to ourselves and ultimately to God to be wise – and sometimes that means slow – in who we allow to lead and shape us.

I saw an interview with a GOP candidate on the trail in Iowa this morning. He was asked by the journalist if he was calling another candidate a liar. His only response: “Yes”. First of all, it was refreshing to get a simple one word answer from a politician. Second, his ability to answer that question so directly shows that he knows who he is and and I'd be willing to bet that every morning when he gets up, he doesn’t need to be reminded how to act or think. Granted it hasn’t always worked in his favor, but I'm pretty sure he sleeps better at night.

My desire for 2012 is that God continue to shape and mold each of us so that we can be bold and direct in representing Him to a lost and hurting world. I pray also that these four notions will more and more define me – to the praise of His Glory!

Praying that we all may delight in the year ahead!

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