January 1, 2008

2007 Update!

The whole point of this blog is to keep in touch with friends and family who support and pray for us on a regular (or even semi-regular) basis!. So, as we kick off the New Year we thought it would be helpful to give some updates on what God is doing in our lives. Since that covers a bunch of territory, this post is a bit longer than we will usually throw at you, so sit back with a cuppa joe and lets get reacquainted!

Neighborhood Life
We have been both amazed and blessed by what has been happening here at Chadwick Farms. There are now about 300 homes in the neighborhood. We have enjoyed getting to know many of our neighbors at our regular community events. Here are some recent highlights:
  • About fifteen women have been meeting this fall to look at Proverbs 31 through a book called “Feminine Appeal” by Carolyn Mahaney. They will continue next semester with a Bible study by Beth More.
  • We had a big fun with our “Pumpkin Patch Party.” Trapped in the neighborhood by traffic from the Texas Motor Speedway, we obtained a permit to close one of our main thoroughfares and had games, races and snacks for young and old alike. We had great attendance for the event and were blessed when over 30 families volunteered to help make it all happen!
  • In November we kicked off a Life Group in the Neighborhood as we worked through Bill Hybels book, “Living Beyond Myself.” Our prayer is that this group will expand this winter as we study Gary Chapman’s “Five Love Languages.”

On The Career Front
For the past three years, Bryan has served at the Apartment Life (AL) Support Center in various capacities, most recently as the Director of Recruiting and the Director of Neighborhood Life (NL). This past August AL made some strategic shifts and put a hold on the development of NL. Combined with fundraising shortfalls, this move led to the elimination of Bryan's position. At the same time a long term project that Meryal had been directing to encourage church partnerships with AL was terminated. The net result was that we were both suddenly without income.

AL was able to offer a severance package that carried us to the end of October. Also, David Weekley has continued to support our work as a CARES Team with Neighborhood Life which provides a monthly housing stipend. All added up – we have been blessed with many ways to walk in faith and allow God to show His unique provisions. (see the post “The Blessings of Neighbors”)

There are several possibilities for new income/career tracks. Updates on that front will be the subject of further blog postings in the very near future!

On the Family Front

  • Doodle Bug has been active in her middle school cheerleading program and very busy getting ready to be a teenager. She also serves with the children’s ministry at our church and is cutting her teeth in the baby-sitting business for a few families in the neighborhood.
  • Tater Bug has enjoyed getting started in Karate (he earned his Yellow Belt this fall), learning chess with the chess club at the elementary school, and collecting Star Wars figurines with some other kids in the neighborhood.
  • Sugar Bug loves hanging out with friends at preschool and church. She is very busy most days hosting tea parties for Care Bears, taking cares of her “babies” or coming up with new ideas which are usually announced with “Hey guys, I have a great idea!”

We are in the middle of birthday season and when all is said and done we will be 13, 8 and 3. Mom and Dad of course will not be aging the slightest bit this year!

On the Horizon
When we learned that AL was going to be making some strategic shifts and not continue developing NL, both of us had the same feeling that God was not finished developing this exciting community based outreach model. As we continue to pray and seek God guidance, we are developing a plan that we believe is going to provide a valuable resource to individuals with a heart for "living intentionally for eternity". That’s L.I.F.E. is our working name for this new venture. Please join us in praying for God's affirmation, direction, and financial provision as we strive to be obeidient to this calling. Keep an eye out for future updates and developments on this ministry.

A Paulesque Conclusion
Say what you want about the apostle Paul, but the man knew how to write a letter (OK – that whole ‘Holy Spirit’ inspired thing sure helps). But borrowing from his style… We truly thank God for each of you. The prayers, words of encouragement, gifts and other blessings we receive from you are literally God’s instruments of peace and strength for our lives.

As we seek to be faithful to His calling, there is nothing more valuable than being surrounded by men and women of faith who urge us on and hold us accountable to the path God has laid before us.

Please let us know how we can be praying for you and your families as we all look forward to great things in the coming year.